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Recognizing a True Online Guru (Contender) from a Fake (Pretender): Preventing Online Fraud

Since the proliferation of the niche ‘make easy money online’ a lot of charlatans have taken this opportunity to reap many unsuspecting individuals their hard-earned money. Promising to deliver to them easy systems that will enable them to make easy money online with no active participation or not even doing anything at all but sit and watch as the dollars roll into their bank accounts.  I find it really funny that in this information age where information abounds everywhere; from the internet to the media (electronic and print), from oral to written, people could still fall for their gimmicks and pay dearly by losing part or all of their money, a price they pay for being greedy and lazy.  However, it has been noted that approximately 97 percent of all online money niches are fraud: and as such one needs to be careful while carrying out online transactions these days. Having said this, I’ll like to take out time to list some possible online fraud, some from other people’s experience, w
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Meeting the Millennium Development Goals: Information Technology as a tool for development and Economic Emancipation

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Publishing books then used to be at times refered to as white elephant projects.But with the advent of the internet;making publications on any subject matter now is as easy as eating sliced bread. Any body rergardless of educational attainment can earn a living through publication of e-books. How ever this online money making venture is yet to be fully explored as many people are this ignorant of this very simple home based business venture. Sounds Unbelievable?! do you know that one can become a publisher over night and even make a living as a big time publisher on line? Well listen to this by Catherine Pedigos. Excerpts below; …” “I’ve been a mother and home maker for twenty seven years and I’ve enjoyed staying at home to raise my two children. My husband Tom was the sole financial provider until eight years ago he lost his job…I've been a mother and homemaker for over 27 years and I've enjoyed staying home to raise my two children. My husband Tom had been the sole financial